The power of storytelling is immense, such that even the most restless and tiniest minds, from babies, and toddlers to young kids are mesmerized by the hook “Once upon a time…”. Introducing children to story narration by a family member, more often grandmas and grandpas to the facilitators at school, brings a profound impact on their upbringing.
In a dark, big forest, there lived a firefly named Flicker. She was a shy little insect, afraid to let out her light. She thought she was too small, and her light was insignificant in this dark, big forest. One evening, a small chic was lost and was searching for her mother and flock. As Flicker and her family roamed the forest far and wide, she had seen the flock a few trees apart. However, she was scared to turn on her light. Luckily for the chic, Flicker’s father turned on the light and led the chic to its flock. From then onwards, Flicker realised the importance of the act of kindness, however small and shone brightly thereafter.
Moral- The smallest act of kindness changes people’s lives in a big way.
Once upon a time, there was a hare that was very quick to move about. He was proud of this quality and boasted about himself to others in the forest. One day he made fun of the tortoise for its slow pace and wanted to race over it. The hare was confident of winning and took a quick nap halfway, thinking that he would win, and the tortoise had a long way to go. Meanwhile, the tortoise was steadily coming slowly through the track.
When the hare woke up, he was shocked to see that the tortoise was almost near the finish line, sure of a win. Eventually, the tortoise won the race, teaching him that boasting and putting others down will only bring failure.
Moral- Slow and steady wins the race.
Here is a short story for kids about a young shepherd boy. There was a young shepherd in the village who took his sheep grazing in the hills of the forest. One day, he was bored and wanted to trick the villagers. He ran into the village crying for help, “Help, help! Wolf, wolf”. Hearing this, the villagers brought sticks and came to help the boy. He laughed in surprise and this annoyed the villagers.
The next day, he repeated the same trick again; And the villagers came to help him, only to see that it was a trick again. The third day, a wolf really came and took one of his sheep away. This time when the boy ran for help, no one from the village came to help, and so the wolf ate all of his sheep. The boy was helpless, and he learnt a lesson, the hard way.
Moral- Always speak the truth
One day, there was a mother duck in a pond, she had laid 5 eggs at the bund and was waiting for them to hatch. In a few days, the eggs hatched, and the ducklings came out one by one. The last egg hatched, and the baby ducking looked bigger and grey, different from the other small yellow ducklings. The mother loved him like the others, but this duckling felt lonely thinking he was ugly.
One night, he decided to leave his mother and flew away to a different pond. There he saw other birds that looked like him. He felt happy and settled in the pond where the other birds accepted him happily. He eventually grew into a beautiful swan and lived happily ever after.
Moral– Accept your uniqueness and celebrate differences
A mighty lion was sound asleep on a quiet afternoon in the jungle. Just then, a squeaky little mouse crept up and played around the lion, disturbing his sleep. The angry lion held the mouse and scared it by saying that he would eat it right away. But the mouse begged for mercy and promised to help the lion when in need. The lion laughed and let the mouse go.
One day, there came a hunter inside the jungle and placed a trap in between the bushes. The lion happened to pass by and got caught in the hunter’s net. The lion roared and cried for help. Just then, the mouse heard the lion and came immediately to his rescue. It gnawed on the ropes of the net and set the lion free. The lion and the mouse became thick friends from then on.
Moral- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
This is a short story for kids about a responsible ant and the lazy grasshopper. One summer, the ant was busy collecting food and other materials to make his home cozy for the winter by working hard day and night. While the grasshopper was least bothered to be prepared.
When winter came, the ant got cozy with all the food and protection, while the grasshopper was cold and hungry. He looked for help and realised his mistake of being irresponsible.
Moral- Be responsible and plan ahead
Children in their early years are like sponges, that can absorb any information, as mentioned earlier. Introducing them to short stories for kids helps them learn and grow in many ways. They teach life’s valuable lessons and morales, enhance language skills, and spark creativity in the children.
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